How to Find the Best time to code

How to Find the Best time to code

A Guide on how to find Your day's most productive hours

Problem-solving and coding need loads of concentration and mental energy, in this article, I will help you find your most productive hours of the day and I will give you a brief scientific explanation about the topic.

So to find your peak hours you should know What Chronotype is? and What is your chronotype?

What is a person’s Chronotype?

Chronotype is your internal clock and it dictates how your energy is divided through the day. Your chronotype is influenced by your pr3 gene and it influences a lot of your internal system because it regulates your body’s production of Melatonin. It’s a reflection of your circadian rhythm the cyclical changes in cellular molecular and biological processes that repeat approximately once every 24 hours in your body like an internal master clock.
To read more about Chronotype
more resources
Youtube video about chronotype and productivity

What determines your chronotype?

Chronotype can vary from one person to another depending on age, genetics, and other factors.

Some scientist believes that a person’s chronotype can change according to there geographical location due to the change in daylight.

Knowing your chronotype has a high impact on your health and productivity it helps you schedule your task according to how your energy is genetically divided throughout the day.

Also, multiple studies found that there is an association between chronotype and a person’s personality, life quality, and health.

How to figure out your chronotype?

To figure out your chronotype imagine a day where you have zero plans, and think about what time you would prefer to wake up on that day.

So by now, you have figure out whether you prefer to wake up early or late, there are also some online quizzes that ask questions about your preferred sleeping schedule, energy levels throughout the day, meal timing, and other facts on your circadian rhythm. Dr.Breus's test

People’s chronotype is divided into three categories

  • Lions

  • Wolfs

  • Bears

  • Dolphins



They are the typical early birds. These individuals wake up early and are most productive at the early hours of the day, but they may have difficulty keeping up with social activities at night.

Lions tend to be up early full of energy sharp in the morning with a goal-oriented lifestyle.

These are the leader who gets things done without getting distracted. They are analytical and organized they prioritize their health and work hard. They tend to have the ideal setup for normal social expectations

So it's productive for lions to schedule their more mentally exhausting tasks early in the morning and leave the easy tasks for late evening

As a Lions myself, I used to study for my exams in the early morning between 3 am or 4 am to sunrise and whenever I study at those hours I would be able to finish more of the test material than when I study at night or the afternoon.


According to Dr. Breus, the bear chronotype makes up to 55% of the population. People with the intermediate chronotype tend to follow the sun.

Bears tend to sleep well even though it takes a little while to get going in the morning.

These people are playful and affectionate generally they lead a healthy lifestyle and are good students and team players

They do well with traditional office hours and do not have a problem with maintaining a late-night social activity


They are equivalent to the classic night owls and is believed to make up approximately 15% of the population

Behaving somewhat nocturnally, your energy level is usually highest later in the day or early evening.

These people tend to be fearless. Insightful intuitive but somewhat out of sync with most of the world


The dolphin chronotype is based on the ability of real dolphins to stay alert even in their sleep. You can describe people with the dolphin chronotype as insomniacs

Dolphins typically struggle to nap and wake up feeling unrefreshed from sleep.

This means they are generally tired throughout the day with a spurt of energy later in the evening.

How to cope in a morning lark world

If you struggle in waking up early or you fight with your alarm every morning then these are some tips to help you cope with the world’s morning schedule

  • Find a flexible remote work

  • Plan for your day according to your chronotype in other words peek hours

  • Light therapy

Either buy a light therapy lamp or open your blinds and get yourself exposed to the sunlight this helps in speeding up your circadian rhythm and helps you wake up. This is beneficial for dolphins and wolves, bears can it too.

  • Melatonin supplements

That should be taken according to your doctor advice

  • Set a consistent schedule

You can train your body to wake up at a certain hour, by doing that you will build a habit and it will get easier over time